Top 8 Tips for Reorganizing and Decluttering Your Utah Home

Utah home builders. Interior Of Messy Home Room With Scattered Stuff

For many homeowners, having a clean and organized home is the dream. Some may even prefer having a minimalist, clutter-free home.

However, the idea of decluttering and reorganizing your home can be a daunting and overwhelming one. This is particularly true if you have to part with items that you’ve owned for as long as you can remember.

So, how can you make this impossible task a little more manageable? Check out this article for the top 8 tips for reorganizing and decluttering your home in Utah.

  • Declutter one room at a time.

The idea of having to clean, organize, and declutter your entire home can be daunting, mainly if you accumulated many items over the years. To make this seemingly arduous task more manageable, try decluttering and reorganizing your home one room at a time.

By focusing on one room or zone at a time, you can slowly build your momentum and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

However, if an entire room still seems too much to take on, start with smaller tasks, like cleaning your home office desk or bathroom counter. This can help build your confidence and give you more motivation to take on more significant tasks.

  •  Use a decluttering checklist.

A checklist can be a helpful tool when reorganizing and decluttering your home. It can help you identify what items you actually have, making it easier to decide which ones you need and which ones you can dispose of.

Aside from this, a checklist can give you a clearer idea of how your reorganizing and decluttering should go. It can also show you just how long it might take you to go through your entire home.

  • Use an organization system.

To make organizing and decluttering your home more efficient, you can use the four-box method. This method entails assigning four boxes and labeling them to keep, trash, donate, and relocate.

The idea is simple; put items you still use and need in the “to keep” box and the things that are still useful but you no longer need or will use in the “donate” box.

If you still want to keep them, but you don’t want them taking up space in your home, you can put them in the “to relocate” box. Lastly, items you need to throw away go in the “trash” box.

You can even add another box labeled “maybe” for items you’re not sure whether to keep, donate, relocate, or throw. However, you just need to ensure to go through every item and put them in the appropriate box.

  • Visualize the room.

It can be challenging to start a task if you’re unsure of what the results would be. So, before touching a room, you can spend a few minutes visualizing how it would look after you have organized and sorted everything.

If you have trouble doing so, you can always take before and after pictures. The idea is simple. Take a picture of the room as it is now, then clear up one space such as a counter or table and take another photo of that space. Doing this can give you a clearer idea of what the area would look like once you’re done.

  • Ask yourself if you love the item.

When decluttering, the primary goal is to keep items that you can still use. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t keep things that aren’t exactly useful but you still love. With that said, as you sort through your items, ask if you love that particular item.

If you do, then put it in your to keep pile. You can also put it in your to relocate pile if you want to keep it, but you want to put it somewhere else. If not, put it in your donate or trash pile. This can help declutter items that you accumulated that aren’t useful or loved.

  • Ask yourself when you last used it.

Some people have the habit of keeping items they think might be helpful in the future but end up not actually using them. This can take up more valuable space than needed, so when deciding whether to keep or throw out an item, it’s best to ask yourself when you last used it.

If you use it frequently enough, then you may want to keep it. If you haven’t used it for the last six months or so, then re-evaluate whether you should keep that particular item or not. This works for items you forgot you even had as well.

  • Forget about the cost.

Sometimes, we keep items not because we think they will actually be helpful or have some sentimental value. We keep them because we feel bad about the amount we spent on it, especially if it’s a significant amount.

However, keeping items because we feel bad about throwing them out can result in a disorganized and messy home. After all, you can’t recover the amount you spent on that item, especially if it’s not something valuable.

With that said, it would be best if you forgot about the amount you spent and focus on whether or not this particular item can be useful or valuable for you in the future. Doing so can help you be more rational when deciding what to keep or throw out.

  • Store other items in a self-storage unit.

If you have limited space in your home, then you understand how valuable having free space is. To avoid your “to relocate” pile from cluttering your home again, you can opt for alternative storage solutions like renting a self-storage unit.

Self-storage units can keep all the items you want to keep but don’t have space for in your newly organized and decluttered home. In Utah, several companies offer this service, some of which you can check out here.

Storing your other items in a self-storage unit can help keep your home clutter-free while still giving you easy access to your items should you need them.

Final Thoughts

Reorganizing and decluttering your Utah home can be challenging and overwhelming at first, especially if you have to get rid of many items you accumulated over the years.

Hopefully, with the tips mentioned above, you can now tackle this task and enjoy a more organized and clutter-free home.

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