Finished Square Feet: 3580
Total Square Feet: 5470
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3.5
Home Description:
The Ash is a ranch-style home that is striking for its elegant wood build, as well as its expansive but evenly spaced floor scheme. The house plan occupies a total area of 5,470 square feet, with the enclosed interiors comprising 3,580 square feet when finished. The upper floor has a large master bedroom with a master bath and walk-in closet, as well as 3 bedrooms, 2 additional baths, a laundry room, and a loft. The main floor is host to a covered porch, deck, dining area, island kitchen with nook, lavatory, project room, and guest room. The garage can amply accommodate 3 cars.
Seamless Home Building with Perry Homes
Your dream to live in a Utah home as exquisite as the Ash can easily come true with help from Perry Homes. With 40 years of home construction experience under our belts, we’ve made a name for ourselves in the Utah community. It’s due to our high-quality but fairly priced construction work, the value we set on customer consultation, and our commitment to doing things in a transparent, timely, and organized manner. We assign each client a design specialist to walk them through every important detail of the house construction, and our customer service team is ready to handle all follow-ups in the post-construction phase.
Contact Perry Homes
To know more about the Ash and the way we’ll do things for you, give us a call at 801-264-8800 or submit your info on our Contact Us form. We’re excited to help you build your dream Utah home!
Important Information
Elevation shown may not be standard and all items shown are subject to change at any time solely at the discretion of Perry Homes and its affiliated companies. Copyright by Perry Homes, Inc. No reproduction or other use of these renderings or plans may be made without the written consent of the copyright holder.