4 Quick Fixes for Summer Curb Appeal

When it comes to curb appeal, there’s no season like summer. With plenty of green to go around, nature is already doing a lot of the work to make your home feel lively and inviting. All you have to do is add the finishing touches.

Here are four ways to have your home looking its best for summer buyers.

1. Wash

Neat and clean is one of the biggest draws in a home, and it’s critical for curb appeal, too. That goes for the inside and the outside. Power-washing is the best way to help your home get that good-as-new look—without having to paint. If your exterior has areas that are obviously discolored, it’s going to turn buyers off in a hurry.

You’d never leave a big stain in the middle of your carpet before a home showing. Don’t leave one sitting on the side of your house, either—or worse, right in front.

Power-washing gives great results, it only takes a moderate time investment, and you can rent the equipment from your local hardware store. It’s definitely worth the time and effort.

2. Trim

Having plenty of green is great in landscaping…unless it looks like it’s gone wild. “Unkempt” is that last impression you want to give people looking at your home. After all, if the yard doesn’t look taken care of, what are prospective buyers going to assume about the house?

So keep the lawn looking neat with regular mowing and watering, and keep your bushes and hedges trimmed. That goes for trees, too, if you’ve got branches getting out of hand or too close to the house.

As for garden beds, keep them neat and trim with regular weeding and fresh mulch.

3. Paint

Since we’re talking quick fixes here, we don’t mean repainting your whole exterior. You can get big results from strategically painting smaller areas.

The biggest little paint job is your front door. The entrance to your home is a big part of the first impression, so don’t be afraid to make it stand out. An unexpected color can really draw people in—literally.

Then you can touch up architectural details and other additions like shutters. Getting these kinds of details right means getting more bang for your buck and your time.

4. Brighten

It isn’t just green that makes summer a gorgeous time of year. There’s no shortage of flowers, either, and you should definitely take advantage of their vibrancy and color to brighten the outside of your home.

You don’t have to be a big gardener or even have a flower garden, for that matter. Add two or three lush flower pots to your porch and walkway to bring color and life. Hanging baskets are a great choice, too. They’re already put together, they’re easy to take care of, and they’re absolutely full of classic charm.

If you need one last finishing touch, put in bench with a bright pillow or two. With the improvements you’ve made, it’ll definitely be an inviting place to relax.

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